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Doç. Dr. Özer Ural ÇAKICI - Üroloji Uzmanı

Treatment of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a very common problem in men. Although it is difficult to draw clear lines for the ejaculation period, in general, ejaculation periods that are too short for the man to control and that do not meet the expectations of both the man and his sexual partner can be considered premature.

The first step of treatment can be summarized as oral dapoxetine tablets and local anesthetic creams/sprays on the penis. Psychotherapy and sexual therapy also have an important place.
Among the surgical options, penis glans filling stands out. Although it is a new option, it has begun to be considered as the first option for people who do not want to use medication or cannot use it due to its low side effects.
Although its place is experimental, nerve cutting (microscopic neurectomy) can also be applied in very resistant cases.