Male Genital Surgery
Penile Curvature: There are two types (congenital (congenital penile curvature) or acquired (Peyronie's Disease)) of penile curvature. Surveillance without surgery is an option for curvatures that do not affect sexual functions, which are generally less than 30 degrees. However, correction for cosmetic purposes can be made at any time. Surgery is the most appropriate option for curves that impair sexual function (usually 60 degrees or above). In cases where there is concurrent erection problem, penile prosthesis may be considered along with correction. Temporary loss of sensation, shortening of penis size, and discomfort from the stitches used are relatively common complaints after surgery. Rarely, complications progressing to loss of penile skin may also occur.
Penile Prosthesis: It is the most successful solution for erection problems. First of all, the cause of the erection problem must be revealed by a penile doppler ultrasound. Prosthesis has no place in psychological erectile dysfunction. It is the main treatment option for problems involving the veins or the arterial insufficiency. There are two types of prostheses: malleable and inflatable. The decision should be made according to the patient's ability. Prosthesis infection and bleeding are the main complications in the early postoperative period while mechanical problems are the most important problems in the late period.